Custom sewing equipment
Extra heavy duty automatic arrester tapes sewing machine
Update Time
2019-04-06 09:25

GLK911-8020 Extra-large sized electronically controlled pattern sewing machine for reinforcement stitching extra-heavy duty slings, straps and belts, such as heavy duty lifting sings, (boat lifting slings and other slings for offshore applications), bulletproof vest carrier, body armor, military and tactical gear, aircraft arrestor tapes (tapes for aircraft arrester system) and rescue lift etc.. With working area of 800mm X 228mm.
Super large working area allow for sewing large size project by one time (for example webbing cargo nets, boat lifting slings, military and tactical gear, aircraft arrestor tapes, bulletproof vest carrier, upholstered panels wall, headboards, automotive seat cushions, aerospace upholstery etc.)
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