Post bed sewing machine
8810/8820 Inexpensive post bed shoe upper sewing machine
Update Time
2019-10-12 15:21

This low cost industria sewing machine is designed for stitching light to medium heavy items such as: leathers, boot tops, shoes, straps, upholstery and other difficult to feed material including: vinyl, polyethylene plastics, oil cloth, canvas, coated and laminated fabrics etc; The versatile post bed design allows you to stitch hollow, tubular and shaped items which can not normally be done on standard flat bed sewing machines; The driven top & bottom roller feed system makes it easier to do fancy or detailed stitching where many changes in stitch direction are required; With strong servo motor (Powerful + Quiet + Accurate Speed Control, different from so call "Energy Saving Servo Motor"or "Power Saving Servo Motor" in the market.
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