Groz-Beckert Needle 794 H size 300 / 29 for sale
Update Time
2023-08-08 14:54
Groz-Beckert Needle 794 H size 300 / 29 for sale at good price
Groz-Beckert Sewing machine needles 794 H/DYX3 Nm 300/29 is a heavy duty industrial sewing machine needles suitable for Durkopp Adler 204-370, 205-370, JUKI TSC-441, JUKI TNU-243 and Mitsubishi PLK-E1008H etc.
Groz-Beckert 794H/7X3/DYX3 size 300 is designed for extra heavy weight sewing applications such as heavy duty webbing lifting slings, full body safety harness and fall protection equipment etc.